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what is the difference between revenue center and suport center

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Sophie Kuike

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2y ago

What is the differencedifference between a revenue center and support center?

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Q: What is the difference between a revenue center and a support center?
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Which are the functional areas in a hotel?

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What is the difference between cost center and revenue center?

Cost center is a non-revenue producing element of an organization where costs are separately figured and allocated and for which someone is held personally responsible. And a revenue center is distinctly identifiable place, department or unit that directly generates the revenue through sales of good or services.

What is the meaning of support center in a hotel?

The meaning of a support center in a hotel is a place where guest can go to get their needs taken care of. This is typically the front desk of the hotel or the main office.

What is the difference between a revenue center and an expense center as it relates to a human service organization?

A revenue center is where the program manager focuses on bringing in revenue for the program, and an expenses center is where a program manager is responsible for their own expenses. Having a center that is responsible for their own expenses helps keep cost down as they are an everyday part of the program managers job, revenue center also help subsidize programs which can be used to allow flexible cost on certain target groups.

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What is the phonetic sound difference between word center and center?

There is no difference. The word "center" has the UK/Canadian/French spelling "centre."

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there is not much difference

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What is the difference between a hospital and a surgery center?

There are several differences between a hospital and a surgery center. The main difference is that a hospital is a general care facility with maybe a few specialists while a surgery center specializes in surgery.

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