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Q: What is the difference between responsibility center and cost center?
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What is the difference between a cost center and profit center?

cost centre = the department which activities cash disbursement profit centre = the department which activities making cash

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Difference between cost unit and cost centre?

A cost unit refers to the actual products. The cost center refers to all the departments in a business organization.

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difference between cost and costing

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The financial management board fmb and the financial working group fwg implement a quarterly phased plan that allows the fma office to distribute funds to?

responsibility center managers, who in turn, distribute the funds to cost center managers.

What is difference between cost center and profit center?

Cost Centre: It is that department in factory where all costs are pooled or costs are allocated. Profit Centre: Is is that department where only profit is pooled like sales department.

What is the difference between differential cost and incremental cost?

There is no difference

Difference between real cost and money cost in about 300 words?

what is the difference?

What is the difference between cost center and revenue center?

Cost center is a non-revenue producing element of an organization where costs are separately figured and allocated and for which someone is held personally responsible. And a revenue center is distinctly identifiable place, department or unit that directly generates the revenue through sales of good or services.