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slag is iron silicate (FeSiO3) while Matte is a crude mixture of molten sulphides.

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3mo ago

Slag is a byproduct formed during the smelting or refining of metals, consisting of non-metallic impurities. Matte, on the other hand, is a mixture of metallic sulfides formed during the smelting process. Slag is usually less dense and contains non-metallic elements, while matte is more dense and has a higher metal content.

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What is the difference between dross and slag?

Dross is the waste or impurities that float to the surface of molten metal, while slag is the byproduct of processing metal ores. Both dross and slag are forms of waste material produced during metal production processes.

What does ground slag weigh per cubic foot?

Ground slag typically weighs between 90-100 pounds per cubic foot, depending on its specific density and composition.

Why slag is produced in metal extraction?

Slag is produced during metal extraction as a byproduct of the reaction between impurities in the ore and the flux added to extract the desired metal. The slag, which consists of non-metallic compounds, forms from the impurities that are removed during the smelting process. It helps to separate the impurities from the metal being extracted.

How do the two maun classifications of matte differ?

The two main classifications of matte are matte coated paper and matte uncoated paper. Matte coated paper has a smooth, non-shiny finish due to a coating applied to the surface, while matte uncoated paper has a rougher texture with a flat finish and no coating. Matte coated paper is better for vibrant color printing, while matte uncoated paper is more absorbent and better for writing or drawing.

How do you avoid slag inclusion?

To avoid slag inclusion in welding, make sure to properly clean the joint and remove any contaminants like rust, oil, or paint. Use the correct welding technique and parameters to ensure good fusion between the base metals. Additionally, selecting the appropriate welding consumables and maintaining a consistent travel speed can help prevent slag inclusion.

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The main difference between matte gloss and clear gloss is the amount of shine that each one has. A matte gloss will give paint a subdued, toned-down look, while a clear gloss will be shinier and more polished.

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There is no difference between photo paper glossy and plus glossy. The main difference in photo paper can be seen between a matte finish and glossy finish.

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a slag

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The difference between satin and brushed nickel is that brushed nickel has a soft, matte finish. Satin nickel has a shinier gloss. Caring for satin nickel is more of a delicate process.

Difference between full gloss and Matt paints?

Full gloss paint has a shiny, reflective finish that is easy to clean but may highlight surface imperfections. Matte paint has a flat, non-reflective finish that can help to hide imperfections but is less durable and harder to clean. The choice between the two typically depends on the desired aesthetic and the practicality of the space.

What is the difference between dross and slag?

Dross is the waste or impurities that float to the surface of molten metal, while slag is the byproduct of processing metal ores. Both dross and slag are forms of waste material produced during metal production processes.

What is the difference between chrome and polished chrome fixtures?

Polished chrome is shiny like almost mirrored. Chrome is more Matte, less shine

What is the difference between a matte finish or satin finish silver dollar?

There's a set of pictures at the site under Related Links.

What is the difference between FG700MS and FG700S guitar?

They are identical with the only exception being the finish. The FG700MS has a matte/satin finish, while the FG700S has a gloss finish.

What the difference between xbox 360 pro and xbox 360 elite?

The only real difference the end user will notice is a 100 GB larger hard drive, and a black matte finish to the console and accessories.

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