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9mo ago

Dross is the waste or impurities that float to the surface of molten metal, while slag is the byproduct of processing metal ores. Both dross and slag are forms of waste material produced during metal production processes.

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Related questions

What is meaning of slag?

The dross, or recrement, of a metal; also, vitrified cinders., The scoria of a volcano.

What is the meaning of slag?

The dross, or recrement, of a metal; also, vitrified cinders., The scoria of a volcano.

What is waste from smelting called?

Slag or dross. Both are byproducts of separating the elements of liquified metal ore.

What is smelting waste called?

Smelting waste is often referred to as slag. Slag is the byproduct generated during the smelting process when impurities are separated from the metal ore.

What is a word for molten metal scum?

Dross is a term used to describe impurities or scum that float on the surface of molten metal.

What is dross rate?

The dross rate refers to the amount of impurities in a material or substance, typically in the form of waste or slag, that is separated from the desired product during a manufacturing process. A higher dross rate indicates a less efficient process with more impurities being produced. Proper management of dross is essential to improve the quality and yield of the final product.

Put dross in a sentence?

All i have is dross in my pocket.

What is the distance between Cardiff and Paignton?

a slag

When was Dross Glop created?

Dross Glop was created in 2011.

How do you use the word dross in a sentence?

The dross from the industrial process is thrown out.

How do you melt aluminum dross?

Aluminum dross can be melted using a furnace or a specialized melting system such as a rotary furnace. The dross is heated to high temperatures until it reaches its melting point, which is around 660°C (1220°F). The molten aluminum can then be skimmed off and refined for further processing.

What is difference between slag and matte?

Slag is a byproduct formed during the smelting or refining of metals, consisting of non-metallic impurities. Matte, on the other hand, is a mixture of metallic sulfides formed during the smelting process. Slag is usually less dense and contains non-metallic elements, while matte is more dense and has a higher metal content.