

Best Answer

the natur of doublecross slip of scrow dislocations as in duced by a locked parallel scrow dislocation that of edge dislocations a sin duced by locked edge dislocation through climb and that of the cross climb of edge dislocations os induced by another edge dislocation through slip are studied in the light of the interaction of the mutual stress fields of the dislocations

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Q: What is difference between cross slip Vs dislocation climb?
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Dislocations move because the resolved shear stress (Schmidfactor) is sufficient high enough to activate the glide system in which the slip plane lies. (slip) Screw-dislocations in fact are able to move from one slip plane to another parallel plane (burgers vector does not change!). In a fcc lattice a $dislocation may change the (111) plane to (1 -1 1) plane due to local stresses. (cross slip) Edge dislocations can change their planes too. It is a thermally activated process which is called climb (vacancy flux).

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