The cross meant religion, the church, the sword meant the state, the power, the army
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The cast of The Sword and the Cross - 2003 includes: Richard Holloway
about two feet
Atwo handed sword is usually much heavier and the handle is usually bigger a one handed sword is only held in one hand and can be lighter
cross hair cross each other but stadia hair do not cross each other
There is and was no "ninja" sword. The "ninja" sword is simply a creation of Hollywood and wives' tales. Ninjas did however, use modified swords which I believe was made from wakizashis. Therefore..the difference between a sword a ninja would have used and one a samurai would have used would be its lenght.
Track is running in circles and cross country is just running.
something to do with something
one is stupid and the other is @$#%&**&%$#@$#%&*