The cyclic rate of fire of the M4A1 carbine is 700-950 rounds per minute. The exact number will vary depending on what ammunition is used.
750 - 950 rounds per minute
700 - 900 rounds per minute.
700 - 900 rounds per minute.
750 - 950 rounds per minute
700 - 900 rounds per minute.
700 - 900 rounds per minute (cyclic), just like the M16A1, Diemaco C7 and C8, M4A1, etc.
Well here are some facts. The ACR has a higher accuracy than the M4A1, meaning you can hit your targets from basically anywhere. But the acr is not a gun to run-and-gun due to its fire rate. The M4A1 has a higher rate but slightly lacks accuracy. But this gun is definitely for run and gunners.And they both have equal damage. overall the M4a1 kills faster because of its high fire rate. its up to you to decide are you a marksman? or run and gunner?
The sustained rate of fire (on fully automatic) of the M14 battle rifle is 700-750 rounds per minute.
The most powerful fully automatic assault rifle is the AK-47, but it is sometimes downgraded because of its low accuracy and slow fire rate. The most powerful burst fire assault rifle is the M16A4, it has good accuracy, high power and a high fire rate, however, it is a 3-round burst similar to the FAMAS, which is why it is sometimes downgraded. The SCAR-H is a powerful gun with high accuracy and range, but a debilitating slow fire rate. The TAR-21 is a powerful gun with mid-high damage and range, but a middling fire rate. The FAL is a very powerful weapon with a high accuracy and range, but a disappointing single-fire rate makes it not the best gun. The F2000 has a high fire rate and range, but is weak in both accuracy and fire power. The FAMAS is a very accurate and fast firing weapon but is low in damage. In my opinion, the M4A1 Carbine is the "best" fully automatic assault rifle in Modern Warfare 2, with its high accuracy, range and fire rate, with the addition of the Stopping Power Pro Perk, it is quite a powerful weapon. While the M16A4 is definitely the "best" 3-round burst fire assault rifle in the game. I hope this post has helped your decision.
The BAR machine gun is recommended for its accuracy and portability whereas with the browning you sacrifice these qualities for greater fire rate, ammo capacity and bullet penetration. Actually, the Browning Automatic Rifle (aka Browning Machine gun) IS the BAR; they are one and the same. BAR is an acronym for Browning Automatic Rifle.
The M16 assault rifle has a cyclic rate of fire of 700-950 rounds per minute, and 45-60 rounds per minute in semi-automatic fire.
It really depends on the situation: The M4a1 carbine is often used by counter terrorist on indoor operations because of their small size and rate of fire. The M4 has a burst fire mode rather than an automatic fire mode. It is very effective in urban settings. The M16 is amazingly accurate and lighter than an AK47. Usually every squad or so has a back up M16a4 incase they are facing an enemy at a long range. Personally I would take an M4a1