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Q: What is affected by long term alcohol use?
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What are results of long term alcohol use?

Brain Damage Malnutrition

Long term effects of alcohol use?

If consumed in moderation , the long term effects of drinking are better health and greater longevity. Abusing alcohol tends to have the opposite effects.

What are some long term affects of alcohol?

Long term alcohol use can lead to mouth and throat cancer. Also, high blood pressure and heart trouble, also sclerosis of the liver are some long term effects.

What are possible results of long-term alcohol use?

Brain Damage Malnutrition

Who is usually not at risk of developing long-term health problems related to alcohol?

adults over 21 who use alcohol responsibly

Can alcohol decrease the effects of hydrocodone?

Yes hydrocodone action is affected by alcohol use.

What are the long and short term affects of alcohol on teens?

In the short term, alcohol can impair coordination, judgment, and decision-making, leading to risky behaviors. In the long term, alcohol can negatively impact brain development, increase the risk of developing alcohol use disorder, and contribute to long-term health issues such as liver disease and cardiovascular problems.

Is it safe to store alcohol in plastic containers?

Storing alcohol in plastic containers is generally safe for short periods of time. However, long-term storage can lead to the plastic breaking down and potentially contaminating the alcohol. It is recommended to use glass or stainless steel containers for long-term storage of alcohol.

What are the long term effects of regular alcohol use?

Regular alcohol consumption in moderation is associated with better health and longer life than abstaining.

What organ is damaged permantently by alcohol use?

The Liver can be affected by overuse.

Can long-term use of isopropyl alcohol to clean your face have any side effects?

It can give you dry skin, that's what it did to me.

What does alcohol do to the CNS?

Alcohol usually has a temporarily toxic effect on the central nervous system. The effects of alcohol will usually be memory loss, slow movement and impaired judgment. Long term use of Alcohol will make these symptoms permanent.