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adults over 21 who use alcohol responsibly

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Q: Who is usually not at risk of developing long-term health problems related to alcohol?
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Related questions

What are some of the problems related to excessive alcohol consumption?

seizures and liver problems like cancer.

What is the annual cost to society for alcohol-related problems in the US?

185 billion

Approximately how much do alcohol related problems cost US each year?

Alcohol-related problems cost the US approximately $249 billion per year, accounting for expenses related to healthcare, criminal justice, and lost productivity.

What are some of the biggest health problems in America?

Obesity related issues (heart disease, diabetes), smoking related problems (lung cancer, emphysema), and alcohol related issues (various liver diseases)

How does alcohol affect native Canadians?

Many of the First People have alcohol problems. These are believed to be hereditary, and perhaps also related to environmental and social circumstances.

What is the relationship between alcohol and self-control?

alcohol makes you lose self-control; low self-control is significant predictor of both binge drinking and alcohol related problems.

How often did an alcohol related death occur in recent years?

Deaths, injuries, and other problems caused by alcohol abuse can be reduced through the practice of harm reduction.

What religious group has the highest percentage of adults who report alcohol related social problems or consequences?


Why do women start to have alcohol- related problems at lower drinking levels than men?

they typically weigh less

Why do women start to alcohol related problems at lower drinking levels than men?

they typically weigh less

Approximately how much money does alcohol-related problems cost the US each year?

185 billion dollars

What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

According to the Medical Encyclopedia:Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a pattern of birth defects, learning, and behavioral problems affecting individuals whose mothers consumed alcohol duringpregnancy.Read more information on via the Related Link.something that can make your baby have mental problems.