tattoos are good but the good tattoos are the tattoos that don't contain any devils or skulls which is a bad sign.
The permanent tattoo will stay on your body for good. While non permanent tattoo willdisapear after a while.
stops it from bleeding and makes it easyer to tattoo
good luck
google images of undertaker's skeleton tattoo
Good luck with that hun. Most tattoo shops won't tattoo any one under 18 because it's illegal to tattoo a minor with out parental consent.
"this is a tattoo"
considering tattoos are unhealthy and unattractive, no tattoo is a symbol for good health.
A licensed tattoo studio.
can i use lidocaine after i get a tattoo
a flame
Purple is a color of royalty. Dragonflies symbolize good luck. A purple dragonfly tattoo is therefore a very good tattoo to have.
The permanent tattoo will stay on your body for good. While non permanent tattoo willdisapear after a while.
stops it from bleeding and makes it easyer to tattoo
If he is a trained tattoo artist and does it regularly, you should be fine. Otherwise, get it done by a professional with a good reputation.
Clouds !