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stops it from bleeding and makes it easyer to tattoo

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Q: Is it good to put vasoline on a tattoo as your being tattooed?
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Clover tattoo on fire?

A person may get a tattoo of a clover on fire if they feel their luck has run out. Clovers are commonly tattooed for good luck.

Is it good to put vasoline on tattoo as yer getting it done?

Vasoline is used for a few reasons during the tattoo process. 1. It reduces bleeding. 2. Reduces ink from spreading on the skin, with the vasoline it balls up so that the artist can see the stencil better. 3. Allows for easier cleaning of excess ink, so as the artist does a line the ink will ball and can be wiped off easier with out smudging the ink everywhere. 4. While working on big pieces, if an artist likes to finish off sections at a time, the artist can apply vasoline to the finished area so as to reduce the staining effect. It is more than safe to have vasoline put on your tattoo during the process, however check that the vasoline is clean and that the artist has taken it out with a new wooden tongue depresser...this is done to avoid contamination.

What does one dot tattooed on the back of the hand mean?

It means that you are terrible about coming up with a good idea for a tattoo.

What is a good mother daghter tattoo?

I think a nice mother/daughter tattoo would be for the mother to get " Daughter" in Chinese symbols tattooed on her, and for the daughter to get " Mother" tattooed on her to symbolize each other :) I think something like a chainsaw masacer tatooo with blood and gour!!

Where could one get a heart tattooed in ink on one's arm?

In order to get a heart tattoo, someone could visit their local tattoo parlor. It is advisable to ensure that the tattoo parlor has a good reputation before you visit. Tattoo parlors could be found by looking in the Yellow Pages or in the Phone Book.

What Minneapolis tattoo parlor is best known for wolf tattoos?

The Sea Wolf Tattoo parlor is best known for their wolf tattoos. St. Sabrina's, Uptown, and Leviticus are other good options for getting tattooed in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

What is a good colour tattoo machine?

Tattoo machines arent really super different. Some are built for shading. Others for lining.. It just depends on your needle size, an the quality of your ink. I'm an apprentice in tattooing and have been getting tattooed for years

What are disadvantages about minors being tattooed?

Well if they get a tattoo being young then they wont be able to ever change it and they are still young so im sure that they wont want that tattoo when they are in there 30's or so. so it wouldn't be a good idea to get a tattoo so young unless you 100 percent sure your not gonna regret it wen you get older. Some people get allergic reactions to tattooing ink. if the tattoo is in an area that is immediately visible, people can judge you purely on that (they might think you are a slit/easy/a thug and so forth. it is also really expensive to be removed.

How can tattoo risk be minimized?

Research the shop you get tattooed at. Even in locations with regulations, there are good shops and bad. Look at the quality of the work, the scores from the health department, and the general cleanliness of the shop. When your tattoo is healing keep your dirty hands off of it. That is where most infections come from

Is vasoline good for a healing tattoo?

no. Use Savlon or baby Rash cream. At my shop we suggest and sell H2Ocean's tattoo aftercare cream, but if the client does not want that we tell them to use a anti-biotic oinment such as bacitration, neosporin, or triple antibiotic, very sparingly for three days...Then switch to a good skin moisturizer that does not contain coloring agents or fragrances....The best is Lubriderm... The key to using an anti-biotic ointment is to not use very much of it. If you can see it on there you got to much....And only apply it after you wash the old off... Vasoline, A & D Oinment and such are merely moisture protections, with no theraputic values....Hope this helps....

What should a tattoo artist use to clean the skin before and after a tattoo?

In many instances a good wipe down of medical grade green soap before and after the tattoo is the standard for many artists. The artist will apply the soap solution to the skin before he or she shaves the area to be tattooed and will be wiping it a lot throughout the tattoo with the same solution. After the tattoo is complete, the area will be thoroughly cleaned with the green soap and will then be wrapped in a sterile dressing.

What does blue symbolize in a dragon tattoo?

good fortune.