The best response is to walk the other direction. This girl is bad news.
Joke along, tell her you're up for it and that you think the babies would be very pretty.
I would say thank you and wish my conversation partner a good night too.
When someone says "no response is also a response," they mean that choosing not to reply or react to a situation or message can convey a message or signal just as effectively as giving a direct response.
When someone says "kiss my teeth" in response to a situation, it is a dismissive gesture commonly used in Caribbean and African cultures to show annoyance, frustration, or disapproval.
Say "Adiós" in response. It means "Goodbye".
"Actually, I can, I just choose not to. But yeah, I'm physically able."
sarcastically say, "oh really? I didn't know that."
No. The correct phrase is "the pleasure is all mine", but this is not an appropriate response to "thank you". "The pleasure is all mine" is a polite and gracious response that can be used when the other person indicates pleasure. For example, if someone says, "It was a pleasure talking to you" or "It was a pleasure meeting you", you can respond with "The pleasure was all mine." If someone says "thank you", the traditional response is "You're welcome."
ask "what's a sammich?"
thanks When some says to you, " My pleasure. " it is usually a response to you having said Thank You. No further response is necessary.
Thank you, and You too is a thoughtful response to 'Have a good weekend'. Examples of thoughtless responses are 'I will' or 'Thank you'. It's considerate to return the wish. When you don't, it's as inconsiderate as when someone says 'Hello, How are you', and you just say 'Fine' or 'Fine, thanks'. You need to go the next step by saying, 'Fine, thanks. And how about you?'