Make an appointment to see your doctor so that you are educated and informed on what might be the problem if there is, in fact, a problem. Keep in mind that sometimes female's cycles don't always hold to schedule and at times come late, early, not at all, and more than once in a certain time scale.
been on my period for 2 weeks what does that mean
Why did i have your period 2 times this month?
A fortnight
Yes. tht does mean your pregnant take a test!
you might want to ask your phyicisian if your mother doesn't know
been on my period for 2 weeks what does that mean
Because your period came 2 weeks earlier than it was suppose to.
I had my period 2 weeks ago and am bleeding again is that normal?
Why did i have your period 2 times this month?
A fortnight
So you got your period within four to five weeks of your last one. That is very typical.
i have been on my period for mroe than 2 weeks before now and it has only happened a coulpe of times. it is not unusual to have irregular periods but if this continues then consult your Dr.
Ten days after a period is the optimum time to conceive. So 2 weeks is about right. Congratulations.
Home pregnancy tests are designed to be used AFTER your missed period. Using it 2 weeks before a missed period could skew the results.
2 weeks before your period
2-4 weeks
2 weeks