I had my period 2 weeks ago and am bleeding again is that normal?
It is NOT normal to give birth at 6 weeks.
my daughter has been on her normal period and then 2 weeks later again and it has been over 2 weeks that she has been bleeding. what could this possibly be? is it something to worry about?
If you are bleeding, and you had your period two weeks ago, there is usually nothing to be concerned with. If your period continues to be irregular, there is medication that can be taken to help regulate it.
yes it is probably your period.
if youre bleeding youre not pregnant
It depends. If you have stopped bleeding for about two weeks and started again that is probably your first post pregnancy period. Some woman bleed longer than 6 weeks some shorter. If you are truly concered I would call your doctor or midwifes office.
No. Go and see a doctor. You are probably having a miscarriage.
i got my period 2 weeks ago... and now im bleeding again.. what is this
i donot now the rethen
No. Bleeding for almost 4 weeks is not normal under any circumstances.
Breakthrough bleeding in the first weeks after starting the ring is normal.
maybe but cycles vary joymaker rn