You feel sick and start spotting for a few days stop taking those pills until you stop bleeding and go see your dr just to be safe and get you back on BC good luck
Continue taking your birth control pills as scheduled.
I am not allergic to birth control pills.
Packet of birth control pills on the kitchen counter, receipts from the pharmacy for birth control pills, or your wife asking, "Have you seen my birth control pills?"
No, birth control pills are not narcotics.
There is no increased risk of pregnancy if you miss the non-active birth control pills.
you mean why did Jamie Lynn Spears get pregnant anyways she got pregnant because she accidentally did not take her birth-control pills and she accidentally had sex
Anawer. Yes, some birth control pills are known to have that sideffect and another commen sideffect is missing periods.. It must have something to do with the hormones in the pills. (technicaly birth control pills are steroids cause of the hormoes and they are known to have some of the same sideffects) But when it happens -if it happens, you cant be sure, but dont worry you will not suddenly get round like a ball.
no, because birth control (in any method: pills, ring, patch, shot, implant) is meant to CONTROL birth BEFORE it happens. they are useless after you're already pregnant.
According to the Mayo clinic nothing happens. If you are aiming for an abortion you have to see a doctor. Birth control pills can not make you abort. They can be used as morning after pills within 5 days after sex but not once you are pregnant.
many birth control pills have generic equivalents.
It is legal to mail birth control pills.
If you miss two birth control pills in a month, you increase your risk of unintended pregnancy. Consider changing to another method that will give you better protection.