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Yes and no, soaking in water will damage a new tattoo but taking a shower is fine. However, when showering, don't soap the tattoo or scrub it. You should make sure that you let the new ink completely heal before swimming or taking a bath and soaking it. And always use sunblock when you are exposed to the sun, otherwise the ink will fade. minimum of 2 weeks - until all flaking and peeling is finished and all scabs have fallen off. Even then, you're taking a risk getting in a chemically treated pool or bacteria-infested pond or lake, especially if you stay for an extended period of time. A tattoo is not considered fully healed until a new layer of protective skin has grown over it - this process usually takes about 3 months. Until then, your tattoo is most vulnerable to all elements - bacteria, sun, chemicals, pollution, etc. This is why getting a tattoo during the summer is not recommended, especially for swimmers and beach bunnies! If you've already got the tattoo, all I can really recommend now is stay out of the pool for at least 2 weeks and then keep your swimming to a minimum if you absolutely must go, and make sure you clean your tattoo thorougly after getting out of the water. If you can hold out for the full 3 month perdiod, you'll be doing your new tattoo a great service and I guarantee that it will have been worth the sacrifice. As long as you stay out of the water until the tatoo is completely healed it will be fine, the water is not what messes it up, it is the chemicals in the water like chlorine and what not. Pool water won't hurt a tattoo after it is healed but you should be sure to use sunblock because the sun is not good for tattoos - it can cause them to fade. I know this because my tattoo artist nags me about it everytime I go see him. :D No, cholrine will not bleach out your tattoo, tattoos fade anyways, it is just people only notice this after swimming because frankly nobody looks at their own tattoo after a few months of having it, unless someone else tells you about it. Now, sun will make you tattoo fade and kinda bleed out (not blood, but the colors will spread about and blur you tattoo) this may sound bad, but you will want to put spf 30 on your tattoo every time you go out, it gives good protection for your tattoo. tattoo ink is not like dye, it is an opaque ink that will just sunfade. Chemical fading (especially with the new inks). However, you do want to wait 2 weeks after getting a tattoo before swimming with it because you may risk some sort of infection.

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13y ago

By fresh water do you mean a pond or a lake?

If so, yes it can damage a new tattoo. The dirt that can be found in ponds and lakes can cause a nasty infection in a fresh tattoo. Don't do any swimming until the tattoo is fully healed. A friend of mine had an infection after doing this.

If you mean tap water, no it will not damage your new tattoo. However, tattoos shouldn't be submerged in water until they are healed. Washing the tattoo is fine, you have to keep it clean, but no long baths or swimming!

Oh and stay away from pools and hot tubs, chemicals in the water can be bad for a tattoo at first. Once it's all healed up you can swim all you want

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15y ago

no in fact salt water is actually good for the healing of minor wounds. Sunlight will fade your tattoo over time, though. keep it out of the sun. oh, yeah, and don't pick at the scab!

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14y ago

It will not heal correctly and it will fade from the chlorine. Not to mention burn like crazy from the chlorine.

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Q: What happens to a new tattoo after swimming?
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Will swimming in a public pool fade a new tattoo?

No, because the tatoo is permanent.

Will chlorine pull out the color in your new tattoo?

Chlorine can cause fading of tattoo colors, especially if the tattoo is fresh and not healed completely. It is best to avoid exposing a new tattoo to chlorine to prevent any potential damage. It's recommended to wait until the tattoo is fully healed before swimming in chlorinated water.

How can you cover your tattoo when you swim?

If you have a new tattoo it isn't recommended to have your tattoo in water for an extended amount of time. If you are going in the water you could use medical tape, saran wrap, and whatever ointment your tattooist recommends for the healing process. I, personally, would put ointment on the tattoo, cover it with the saran wrap and then use the medical tape to hold it on. Doesn't sound very attractive, but it will allow you to spend time in the water and not affect the tattoo.

Can you go swimming when you have had a tattoo done a week ago?

Its not recommended but if you do, then use plenty of factor 50+ suncream even if you are in a swimming pool. This prevents the tattoo fading and the ink 'dying' on the surface of the skin.

Why did your tattoo fade out in under a week is it because you soaked in the tub and went swimming?

soaking in a tub and going swimming certainly isn't good for a new tattoo, but also new tattoos often look faded until the are healed because the damage skin looks a little bit cloudy over top of it. wait until it's healed and then see what it looks like.

Can you swim in salt water with a new tattoo?

It depends on how new the tat is. If it's fairly new then I would hold off on going swimming in salt or fresh water. The sun isn't good for new tats either.

How long until you can shower with a new tattoo?

You can just want to be pretty quick..and not let the tattoo get saturated. No swimming or hot tubs etc for 2 weeks. After your shower, allow tattoo to air dry for 10-15 min, and re apply A&D ointment--THIN LAYERS!!!

What will swimming in a chlorine swimming pool do to a new tattoo?

I personally don't have a tattoo - yet - but a friend of mine recently got one and he told me that he was supposed to keep it as dry as possible. We went swimming a little while after he got it, and he told us that he needed to stay out of the water for around two weeks. I think he mentioned it was to prevent infections from the lake water. I think showers would be okay as long as you dried it off quickly, but a lake I would say no. Pools would be chancey, because I don't think chlorine would be too good for it.

Is coconut oil good for tattoo after care?

No. you want to make sure your scabs on your new tattoo are left alone. I had a new tattoo when I went to a wedding so many people hugged me that the scab was knocked off on one section of my tattoo and when that happens you loose the part of the tattoo that had the scab come off. I also suggest you follow the advice of the person doing your tattoo.

Where should i get a new tattoo?


What happens if you have hypothyroid n you get a tattoo?

Hypothyroidism would have no effect on your tattoo, and conversely, your tattoo would have no effect on your thyroid gland.

What happens if you get a tattoo while on cocaine?

after rehab, you'd realize that you were an idiot for getting that tattoo.