All it means is that a vein has been hit. If you continue to bleed for a couple days then take it out, let it heal and try again. If it is bleeding profusely go to the ER they may need to cauterize the wound.
A tongue piercing is a piercing through the tongue or any part of the tongue, including the web underneath.
what do you if you get a puss pocket in your tongue after a tongue a piercing"
It makes your body not try to heal.
If you do that then your tongue bleeds alot, i acidentally did it yesterday whn it was really hot and i licked an ice cube, my tongue still hurts :(
If you constantly rub it against the roof of your mouth, yes.
No. A genital piercing includes any piercing on or around your genitals. Not your tongue.
No tongue piercing doesn't cause cancer.
Its just a fancy way of saying "tongue peircing".
A tongue piercing does not damage the teeth unless the actual metal piercing rubs against or touches the tongue many times.
The tongue piercing is usually placed about an inch back from the tip of the tongue, directly through the centre.
If there is a regular tattoo/piercing shop, they'll pierce your tongue.