When you take medication, particularly one that has a hormonal effect, check with your doctor or pharmacist before stopping. A logical time would be to stop when you hit the sugar pills, or the break for your period. Otherwise, you may get an early period, nausea or other effects. The pregnancy preventative effects would be severely affected.
You can get pregnant
Continue taking your birth control pills as scheduled.
Taking the next birth control pill early does not impact effectiveness. Taking it late may.
If he is taking female birth control pills forget him. They contain hormones and he is not taking them for birth control.
Nothing, Taking birth control is her choice
Can birth control be ineffective while taking metronidazole?
yes it can. the birth control tricks your body into thinking you are pregnant. that's why you don't get your period for a while. the lactation part happens due to the hormones that the birth control have. so some lactation can occur.
Taking the birth control pill lowers the risk of pregnancy. Not taking the birth control pill does not lower the risk of pregnancy. You are more likely to get pregnant when you are not taking the birth control pill.
Birth control pills do not increase the risk of birth defects in babies conceived by women who are or were taking them.
Anawer. Yes, some birth control pills are known to have that sideffect and another commen sideffect is missing periods.. It must have something to do with the hormones in the pills. (technicaly birth control pills are steroids cause of the hormoes and they are known to have some of the same sideffects) But when it happens -if it happens, you cant be sure, but dont worry you will not suddenly get round like a ball.
No, you should not be pregnant when taking birth control. Birth control is meant to lower the risk of pregnancy.