You will more than likely lose the color on that spot and you will have to get a touch up when the cut heals. Keep A&D ointment on it (or another ointment) so it will not scar and you will be able to have a touchup done.-Shocker
depends on how deep the cut is and if the tattoo is still fresh. if the cut is beyond the third layer of skin it is possible that a chunk of ink will disappear as well. Get it touched up after your cut is gone, if nessasary
Well, if the cut of the previous tattoo session, has not healed yet, then, the customer has to wait until the wound has completely healed. This way, will protect the customer from any further injury & other worse complications.
Yes it does, -.-
no, unless somehow you get a cut on the tatoo, then if you get a scar of somethin it will show.
You want to be careful of your new tattoo. If part of the scab comes off so will the bit of tattoo that the scab is over. I had this happen and lost a line on my dragon wing. I would call the shop where you had it done. They have creams and other items to help you preserve your tattoo.
yes they will go over it
Hypothyroidism would have no effect on your tattoo, and conversely, your tattoo would have no effect on your thyroid gland.
after rehab, you'd realize that you were an idiot for getting that tattoo.
When you let a unlicensed tattoo artist tattoo you, you have a greater chance of a botched tattoo, and of becoming infected from improperly handled tattooing equipment
You have to be eighteen or over to get a tattoo.
They can scab over and once the scab falls off, the ink may fade where the scab has been.