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you get too thin.

eat 1500 if you want to diet, if you have a very low calorie diet and you lose track of it and start eating normally again it you will pile it back on, you will store it as bad fat that is alot harder too shift.

1200 will leave you with no energy
black eyes
horrible skin
extreme bowel irregularity
and you wont be healthy in general

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Q: What happens if you consume less than 1200 calories per day?
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What happens when you consume more or less calories than your body burns?

Lose weight or put it on. It is that simple...

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Yes. If you consume more calories than you need one day, you will "store" them. If you consume less, you use any "stored" calories.

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Not eating the skin means that you are eating less calories.

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If you eat the same number of calories per day that are equal to the calories you need per day you would maintain your weight. To lose weight you must consume less calories then you burn. To gain weight you must consume more calories you burn. Most humans will burn 2800 calories even in the most sedentary state.

How many calories do you have to consume in a day?

It depends on your age.

How many calories for one idly?

The number of calories that someone should consume in a day depends on the person. A young girl will consume less than a young boy for example.

How many calories should a 14 year old girl burn a day?

It depends on how many calories they consume; if you are of a slighter build and eat less calories, you need to burn less.

What is the recommended daily intake for weight loss?

Consume less calories than you burn.

If you eat 500 calories will you faint?

uhm...yes you will faint, maybe even more than that. 500 calories is a DANGEROUSLY low calorie intake. A NORMAL growing teenager should at LEAST intake 2000 calories daily. if you want to loose weight than maybe eat 250-500 calories less than what you normally consume. but the best way is to burn more than you consume. even stretching helps with burning fat. your body burns 1200 calories everyday just by resting.

Does a 1200 calorie a day diet provide sufficient nutrition?

Yes you can try a 1200 calorie diet if you are just starting to diet. If you eat less or the same as 1200 calories i would try to hit a lower goal. Keep cuting calories as you go.

How many pounds will you lose if you eat beef?

A calorie is a calorie, no matter what source you get it from. That is, if you consume more calories than you burn, then you will gain weight; if you consume less calories than you burn, then you will lose weight.

Why is exercise needed to lose weight?

The ONLY way someone can lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume in one day...the average female eats 1200-1400 calories a day and sitting in the office or just standing up will burn calories but not as many as when you are active , exercising burn 5x the calories than doing nothing at all. so the more calories burnt the less weight.