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Square symbols in a text message usually mean the sender has made a mistake. Many mobile phones cannot read foreign characters or alt symbols, and the instance of squares is most likely that.

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Q: What does three squares symbols mean in a text message?
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Related questions

What does a square symbol mean in a text?

Square symbols in a text message usually mean the sender has made a mistake. Many mobile phones cannot read foreign characters or alt symbols, and the instance of squares is most likely that.

How do you get symbols on your MySpace?

By symbols you mean? I can help you with this just message me if you like :)

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The interpretation of Masonic symbols is explained during the initiation rituals, which are confidential.

What does two squares symbols mean in a text message?

Oh honey, those two squares symbols usually mean that the sender used a character or emoji that your device doesn't support. It's like trying to read a book in a language you don't speak - frustrating and confusing. Time to update your phone or ask your friend to stick to good old-fashioned words next time.

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In Express press F1, type in symbols, double click 'symbols in the message list' and there they are!

What does it mean if a person send a message with squares?

It was probably someone with an iPhone and used the little characters/icons in the text. Only people who have iPhones can see them or they will just look like squares if sent to non iPhone users. :)

How do you move three lines from five squares to make 4 squares?

Move 3 lines "from" - do you mean 'remove 3 lines from' - or - move 3 lines to other places? Anyway, this all depends on the layout of the five squares.

What does the little box symbo mean in facebook?

If you see a little box with symbols inside in a message or reply, it means the person used what is called an emoji program. It also can mean that you do not have the correct font installed on your system.

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Disconnected phone, at request of subscriber.

What does pedigree symbols mean?

In genetics, pedigree symbols represent specific information about an individual's family history and genetic relationships. These symbols are used in a pedigree chart to depict different characteristics such as gender, affected status by a particular trait or disease, and connections between family members. By interpreting these symbols, one can analyze patterns of inheritance and the likelihood of certain traits being passed down through generations.

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They can mean words like our letters are kind of like their symbols. It is just another language but sometimes there hieroglyphic symbols mean sentences.

What is the name of symbols used for mathematical processes?

If you mean the symbols like +, -, etc., those are called "operators".If you mean the symbols like +, -, etc., those are called "operators".If you mean the symbols like +, -, etc., those are called "operators".If you mean the symbols like +, -, etc., those are called "operators".