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The same, you don't have the baby bump until you're 4months, but remember every pregnancy is different.

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Q: What does the stomach feel like at 3 months of pregnancy?
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Is feeling weirdness in your stomach after intercourse a sign of pregnancy or are you just not feeling well?

My stomach did feel different the week after intercourse. It felt like a lot of pressure in my stomach making me have to urinate more frequently. I am almost 2 months pregnant now!!

What does the stomach feel like at 1 month of pregnancy?

You tend to bload , and feel like crap. You get depressed the most the 1st month.well I have.

What could it mean if your stomach feels like something is in it?

Maybe you feel sick? Idk try to use the bathroom- I guess my mom always told me that... :/ If you're speaking of pregnancy- and you're not tested (if you are or are not pregnant)it'd have to be months and months later and you know....

I've felt pregnant for at least 2 or 3 months long story short the past 2 months period short light this past one 3rd hasn't come neg test feel movement in stomach doesnt feel like gas more like kicks?

Make a doctor appointment with your gynecologist. With the light periods and negative pregnancy test, it most probably is not pregnancy, just normal bodily functions.

What does it feel like when your baby moves at 5 months?

Most women explain it as like butterflies fluttering in your stomach or bubbles

What does the stomach feel like in pregnancy?

Normally, the stomach doesn't feel like much. However, when it is full (or distended), then the feeling of fullness ensues. If it is too full, stimulation of the vagus nerve can occur in such a manner as to produce a feeling of nausea. In the case of pregnancy, the expanding uterus pushes up on the stomach, often necessitating smaller, more frequent meals, in order to minimize nausea from occurring.

Can you feel your baby move at 7 weeks?

Yes, you can feel movement in your fourth month of pregnancy. It is around this time that you may start to experience a flutter in your stomach, much like the feeling of having butterflies in your tummy.

What could be moving in your belly for 3 months always feel like something is pushing against walls of the belly?

Pregnancy perhaps.

Can butterfiles mean pregnancy?

If you can feel butterfly like movements you would be several months gone already so take a test.

I feel crampy and like a fullness in my stomach together with sore breasts. I must add that I was also bleeding for a couple of days. Are these signs of pregnancy?

These are menstrual symptoms.

If you are having serious pains in uor stomach that dont feel like cramps can that mean your pregnant?

Could be gas . Take a pregnancy test . That will take out the guess work .

The truth abbout braxton hicks?

Braxton Hicks Contractions are false contractions. They can be painful or you may not feel them at all. Your stomach muscles contract and will fill like your stomach is getting tight then they will release. Your stomach will feel hard during one. You can get them all the way through pregnancy but probably won't feel them until later in your pregnancy. They don't mean you're in labor but if you get one and they feel really painful I would call the doctor just to be safe. In late pregnancy they can become very close together and very painful and feel like the real thing. They can even thin your cervix. When this happens it's called false labor. If you have close painful contractions and think your in labor go to the hospital to be sure.