Yes, you can feel movement in your fourth month of pregnancy. It is around this time that you may start to experience a flutter in your stomach, much like the feeling of having butterflies in your tummy.
Yes, the baby (fetus) start moving at 7 weeks but you can not feel movements until your are between 16 to 20 weeks. At 12 weeks your baby still too small for you to feel the kicks, specially if it's your 1st pregnancy. Cangrat!!!
You should be able to feel it between 16 and 22 weeks, even though he started moving at 7 or 8 weeks.
I can feel mine at 7 weeks.
Yes, it's definitely possible, no matter what anyone says. My midwife felt my little girl kick at 10 weeks, because she knew where to push down and what not. She's a strong little baby at 20 weeks right now but my boyfriend still hasn't felt it, but it can take a little time for a casual outsider to feel it. Don't doubt yourself, if you think it's your baby, it probably is. :)
There is no set time that you will begin to notice your baby move on the outside. You will feel it move inside first, usually around 20 weeks, but often several weeks earlier. Noticeable external movement will depend on your size (how much extra tissue (i.e. fat) there is between your uterus and your skin), whether you've been pregnant before, the size of the baby, and the position of the baby. If the baby is facing outward (its back toward your backbone), it will be easier to see movement.
No, generally you will not be able to feel the baby's heartbeat in the uterus from the outside. You can buy feral heartbeat machines called a Doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat. Some can pick up as early as 7 weeks, although others can't pick up until later on in the pregnancy.
If you are expecting your first baby you can expect to feel your baby for the first time between 18 and 24 weeks gestation. If this is not your first baby you can expect to feel your baby a bit sooner than you felt your first. This is usually said to happen because you know what you're feeling for and your uterus is more stretched out than it was the first time around There may be reasons that you are not feeling movement as early as you are expecting to feel it. Many of these are normal occurrences, including your body weight, your baby's position and the location of the placenta. The second big milestone is when others can also feel the baby move. Your partner might be surprised by a quick thump here or there, after many weeks of patiently (or impatiently) waiting. A sibling might get a quick bump on the cheek or hand and be very excited about the reality of the new baby.
Feeling your baby move for the first time when you are pregnant is very exciting. Your baby started moving around around 7 weeks, but you won't be able to feel him until 16 - 22 weeks. If you have already had a baby, you might be able to feel it a little earlier because you know what the movement feels like. Mothers have described the movements as butterflies or even popcorn popping in your stomach. Once you feel the movement more frequently you will be able to tell without a doubt that it's the baby moving and not gas or hunger pains. The movements start out fairly weak, but late in your pregnancy they will get much stronger!
At nine weeks pregnant your baby weighs about 2 grams and is about 1inch (about the same size of an olive). Your baby is developing nipples and hair follicles this week. This week your baby will start to develop either his male or her female parts! Your baby is also beginning to move but you will not be able to feel the movements just yet.
7-9 weeks
No at 6weeks your baby is still an embryo and it's arms and legs are still forming and would just be small buds at this point. You probably will start to feel your baby's movements shortly after the second trimester. I was able to feel my baby's flutters around 16weeks, so something for you to look forward to soon. Best of luck with your pregnancy.