Most women explain it as like butterflies fluttering in your stomach or bubbles
I have and I do not have a womb so I can't be pregnant. Feels exactly like when a baby moves in youl
depend on how large it is. but if a baby/hatch ling then it will feel like a poke but if older (5+ months) it will feel like a pinch if that. :)
Well I don't know how far gone you are but the baby is most likely putting pressure downwards on your colon and anus.
Not really. it all depends on how far along you are, but the baby may have decided to change its movement patterns and moves when you least notice, like at nite when you sleep.
The feeling can be got when you are 4 months/20 weeks complete you will feel the baby movements. The feeling would be like butterflies flying in the stomach
That is what it feels like at 20 weeks with your first. Like Butterfly wings, or gas. As the baby gets bigger you will feel more obvious kickes, like a swimmer at the end of the pool. Then towards the end when there is not so much room you feel wriggles. fun isn't it?
a baby can feel as soon as its born remember that they are still like you and me
The same, you don't have the baby bump until you're 4months, but remember every pregnancy is different.
You will not feel "baby" movement after just three weeks ... maybe three months. If you want to know if you are truly pregnant, go see your gynecologist.
congrats! u having baby
The company makes it look like a baby so it kinda tricks your mind. Some copanies make it sound like a baby or feel like too.
you won't feel a lot of movement until 6 or seven months. At 5 months, maybe just a few flutters here and there. Different women feel the first movement anywhere between 16 and 20 weeks, but it is just a little flutter like a butterfly in your stomach. As the baby grows, the movements will increase and be more recognizable.