The feeling can be got when you are 4 months/20 weeks complete you will feel the baby movements. The feeling would be like butterflies flying in the stomach
The movement of an unborn baby in the womb is called fetal movement. A baby's first movements in the womb is known as quickening.
Yes, a baby is considered alive when it is in the womb as it exhibits signs of life such as growth, movement, and a beating heart.
When my wife was pregnant, I learned that in a normal pregnancy, the baby does not have a bowel movement while in the womb, but they do urinate while in the womb.
when the baby keeps on kicking
It is possible to know about your baby's genotype in the womb. If one has a great deal of money, they can pay a doctor to do special testing on the fetus.
see a doctor asap, it could be serious
The cradle's movement imitates the motion of the mother's body while the baby was developing in the womb.
There is no BM because the fetus isn't taking in solids.
When a tiny person comes shooting out of her
I believe it is called Dronky but if i was them i would call it Hippolattaboomboom that came out of a dragon's womb womb!But i dont know really... HA!
Dr. can detect by checking the heart beat of the baby, and also when the baby is not kicking the mother will also know
semen does not cross into the placenta and has no effect on baby in womb.