1 3 1 3 or "13" "13", "M" is the 13th letter of the alphabet--so "13" "13" is "M" "M" for "M"ick "M"ars
be true to who you are
No, it means you have a tattoo behind your right ear. Grow up, man.
that they saw chris brown do it and thought it was 'cool'
It means drew your fingers across strings lightly, as in guitar playing.
it is a tribute to his dog boomer that was shot by the police when they were running from them dmx jump a fence and the dog didnt he said that all his dogs after that learned to climb a fence
A dragon with five fingers is a Chinese imperial dragon and is therefore a symbol of royalty and power. you can have 4 fingers just if you want a thumb
Normally on people who are hardnuts (normally men), prison tattoo, homemade tattoo, sometimes in shops - but normally rough people.
I think Mick's tattoos mean that he is #7 in the band Slipknot, the other tattoo on his other arm i think means either Slipknot or #7 in chines. and the upside down cross on his back means he doesn't believe in god.
It is a 4 part tattoo across his fingers reading "IC XC NI KA" which means "Jesus Christ is victorious" in the Greek Orthodox Church.
Not sure what you mean; Mars is a planet.Not sure what you mean; Mars is a planet.Not sure what you mean; Mars is a planet.Not sure what you mean; Mars is a planet.
a pink diamond tattoo mean love.
what dose star tattoo mean on shoulders
His tattoo is his vampiric name
Depends on what the tattoo is of
The tattoo is dedicated to his grandfather.
When people get a tattoo, there is often meaning and remberance attached to the tattoo. The meaning of a pegasus tattoo is that of loyalty.
Are you sure you don't mean Tattoo Store?If you do - a place where Tattoos are given.