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that they saw Chris Brown do it and thought it was 'cool'

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Q: What does 3 stars behind the right ear tattoo mean?
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Does a tattoo behind the right ear mean your gay?

No, it means you have a tattoo behind your right ear. Grow up, man.

What does the star tattoo on hip mean?

There is no generic meaning to the stars on the hip. Most tattoo's do not mean anything to people in just passing. There is usually a story behind what it stands for that changes with each individual.

What does a tattoo with three stars on a gay male mean?

Well,look some people think that 3 star's behind your eat mean that your gay.But for me I think it's your tattoo & you can give it your own meaning you want too.

What does Kiro Cullen's tattoo mean?

Yes...... he has a tattoo behind his neck

What do star tattoos mean?

"it meens you like stars" Alot of the Star tattoo's are Nautical stars, It seems A LOT of people now a days have no clue the meaning behind them but get them done to be trendy/cool.

What does a blue diamond tattoo behind the ear mean?

A Blue diamond tattoo on the right shoulder means they are a top class bodyguard, but I'm not sure about behind the ear. I'm pretty sure it means nothing unless on the shoulder.

What does tattoo star on your right wist mean?

It could mean or represent any thing, stars have kind of lost their meaning because they are over done tattoo designs. You could always ask the wearer if it symbolizes any thing for them.

What does three nautical stars mean?

Three nautical stars on a tattoo often mean that someone has lost a friend or family member at sea. This tattoo is seen on members of the Navy as well as on civilians.

What does a diamond tattoo behind ear mean?

It means you are trendy.

What does heart tattoo behind ear mean?

you hate your date

Does a blue star tattoo behind the right ear mean a person is a lesbian?

It can be, because lots of pride flags have blue stars, though a more telling symbol of homosexuality would be a rainbow necklace or bracelet. Historically speaking, Lesbians from the '40s and '50s would tattoo blue stars on their wrists. These tattoos could be covered by watchbands during the day and displayed at night (at clubs and such). Many lesbians choose to honor the history with blue stars of their own. However, the mark does not necessarily mean lesbian, and the location is also varied.

What does diamond tattoo behind ear mean?

It means something to who ever has it