A Blue diamond tattoo on the right shoulder means they are a top class bodyguard, but I'm not sure about behind the ear. I'm pretty sure it means nothing unless on the shoulder.
It means you are trendy.
It means something to who ever has it
a pink diamond tattoo mean love.
Yes...... he has a tattoo behind his neck
No, it means you have a tattoo behind your right ear. Grow up, man.
it means you're a witch
you hate your date
The meaning of a tattoo on a person's body could have a meaning that only the person that has the tattoo knows. In Russian prisons the tattoo of a diamond under the eye is applied by force. The meaning is that the person is an informant.
There are a number of things a person may mean when they call you a rope. They may mean that you are strong or that you are common.
it means you blue like 67 men
It means, "Sentenced Behind Bars".
its cz