It tells you what the center of all the numbers is.
A number 13 when in the form of a tattoo usually symbolizes good luck
The number inside a diamond ring refers to the carat weight of the diamonds found in the ring. A .50 stamped inside a Diamond Solitaire ring means that it has a 1/2 Carat diamond while a .97 means that it is just below 100 points or One Full Carat.
noSometimes jewelry manufacturers will stamp the inside of rings with numbers indicating the weight of a main diamond, especially a solitaire, for identification purposes. I have seen it done. Probably not a common practice though. If you have specific numbers stamped inside of a ring, list them here for possible interpretation.If there is an 8 digit number followed by another set of numbers, you are probably looking at the GIA number, which is usually followed by a 2nd set of numbers which is the carat size of the diamond associated with that number. For example 12345678 1.25 would mean you have a GIA certified diamond (Gemological Institute of America) weighing 1.25 carats. At least that is how my diamond is marked on the inside of my ring.NB: Since it is so easy to separate a diamond stone from the metal in which it is mounted, you can only trust the GIA certificate for a diamond stone as the true indicator of its value. Trusting the markings on the jewelry's metal to indicate the size/ quality of its diamond is naive..
a pink diamond tattoo mean love.
It means you are trendy.
It means something to who ever has it
The meaning of a tattoo on a person's body could have a meaning that only the person that has the tattoo knows. In Russian prisons the tattoo of a diamond under the eye is applied by force. The meaning is that the person is an informant.
A Blue diamond tattoo on the right shoulder means they are a top class bodyguard, but I'm not sure about behind the ear. I'm pretty sure it means nothing unless on the shoulder.
It tells you what the center of all the numbers is.
The center value in a list of numbers is the Median average of the numbers. If there is an even number of items in the list, then the Median average is the Mean average of the two numbers in the center.
What does a 5 point star tattoo, with all the tips filled in, but the center empty mean/represent?
The diamond shaped signs on trucks have numbers which identify the chemical contents the truck is carrying.
what dose star tattoo mean on shoulders
If you mean the one to go onto the GTS, the bottom floor of the Pokemon center.
His tattoo is his vampiric name