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X= kisses

O= hugs

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Q: What does mean xoxo on facebook symbols?
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How do you make banana symbol on facebook?

The symbols that people see on Facebook usually come from an Apple iPhone. However, there are apps that can be downloaded to make banana symbols on Facebook.

What does it mean when a guy writes have a great day sweety xoxo?

It Means Have A Great Day Sweety xoxo

What is a good Facebook album name - cool symbols?

facebook group name

How do you make symbols appear next to your Facebook name?

To add symbols next to your Facebook name, you can copy and paste characters from a symbol website or use the "Character Map" tool on your computer to find special characters. Once you have the symbols you want, paste them next to your name in the profile settings. Keep in mind that using symbols can sometimes make it harder for others to find you on Facebook.

How do you put symbols in your facebook user-name?

Facebook updated it's policy so now you can't change your name to add symbols anymore.

What does interfeicit mean?

sorry i don't kno xoxo

How do you I make symbols for Facebook page?

u need to

What are worth more xo or 3?

Xoxo or <3 you mean? Personally I go for xoxo but most girls will go for the heart<3

How do you make an angel with symbols?

U so this for Facebook 0:)

How do you make a dog in a facebook chat using keyboard symbols?

There are different ways to make a dog in a facebook chat. On an apple device, someone can go into facebook settings and select the emoji. From there, many different symbols, including dogs, can be found.

How do you use your keyboard to make symbols?

:(:P:X:B:x:O:ED:Thank you for checking out these symbols they may also work on My space, Facebook and Twitter.bye:X

How much space does Slender take up on the computer?

it takes about 15cm3 inside your computer case, xoxo add me on facebook micah barr