It means he loves you in a brotherly way. Don't think into it too much.
She either likes you or just calls everyone babe.
That u like guys.
there is 2 answers to this its either A: he has the hots for you or B: he calls all girls dat
It can mean a variety of things: It can mean: you are sexy in his eyes you are hot you have a fab figure you have great breasts
In means he really wants to bum you.
IN the midland (UK) its a term of endearment bab is a shrtened version of babe
nothing, its just a cute name like hunnie or babe
She's your sister.
she thinks of you as a great friend or a brother.
it could mean he reall\y likes you or he really really hates you
Maybe, ask her.
Mon frère s'appelle... > My brother's name is... (Literally: My brother calls himself...)