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Maybe, ask her.

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Q: If a lesbian calls you babe does she like you?
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Related questions

What does it mean if a girl you like calls you babe?

She either likes you or just calls everyone babe.

What does it mean when someone calls you a STRAIGHT babe?

That u like guys.

Does a girl like you if she always calls you playfull names and always calls you babe and always talks to you first?

Around 80% chance she does. Some girls are like this to everyone.

What does it mean if someone calls you baby-cakes?

nothing, its just a cute name like hunnie or babe

Do guys like it when girls call them babe or baby?

no, well most guys dont, normally cos it wats guys calls girls but personally i never call someone baby or babe

If someone calls you a dike what does it mean?

The term "dike" is a derogatory slang word used to insult or belittle someone by insinuating that they are a lesbian. It is offensive and inappropriate to use such language to insult or harm someone based on their sexual orientation.

What can you call your boyfriend when he calls you princess?

Prince, babe, honey.

I met this guy im just getting to know and i like him he usually calls me pal but he called me babe last night in a text does that mean anything?

Yes, it was not by accident. "Babe" is a more intimate nickname.

What should you call your boyfriend after he calls you babe?

honey and stuff like that but its relly watever comes to yu

What if your boyfriend calls you baby as a nickname what is your nickname to him?

Babe, handsome, etc.

What is a cute signurature about your boyfriend on your phone?

love you babe or it could be a nickname like my boyfriend calls me sammi bear and i call him care bear

What do you do if someone calls you lesbian?

You just say I'm not a lesbian I'm straight I always have been I always will be keep calm and ignore them