It can mean a variety of things:
It can mean:
you are sexy in his eyes
you are hot
you have a fab figure
you have great breasts
She either likes you or just calls everyone babe.
That u like guys.
The word 'babe' given to another is a fond nickname for either someone they love or care about.
You mean Babe as in cute girl ? There is no slang for babe in Japanese but a cute girl would be called a Kawaii (Cute) Onna (girl) or Onnanoko
Poka krasotka, if you mean to say babe to a hot girl
there is 2 answers to this its either A: he has the hots for you or B: he calls all girls dat
Around 80% chance she does. Some girls are like this to everyone.
does it mean a pregnant girl are something are a babe don't know SOS
"THAT GIRL" is not a good term..
In means he really wants to bum you.
IN the midland (UK) its a term of endearment bab is a shrtened version of babe
It means he loves you in a brotherly way. Don't think into it too much.