it means that you are either close to your period or you are ready to have sex and you are feeling Horne
it could mean a sign of pregnancy.
My friends say that if your girl it means you growing BOOBS but if your a boy idon't know.
How did you know my upper palette is always itchy?
chubby boobs? fat fetish?
my throat is itchy what does it mean as in a superstition ?
"Boobs" in English mean tette in Italian.
could just have an itchy cheek :)
If a girl goes the bathroom a lot, or looks at your penis...she needs sex! Her vigina might be itchy, so scratch it for her and tell her how sexy her boobs are. After that, just start feeling her boobs and humping her, very hard, so it hurts!
she has no boobs.
you have a cold
It's genetic and based on hormone production. If you have small boobs then it's because one of your family members had small boobs. And if you don't like small boobs there is always implants.
show them ur boobs. it always works for me.
Boobs in English and in Spanish is busts