its an allergic reaction or parasites ;)
my throat is itchy what does it mean as in a superstition ?
Well, just so you know, NOTHING is wrong with your nipples. if they are itchy, then it means your breasts and nipples are developing. some people have itchy nipples and some others dont. its nothing to be worried about. im a doctor. i KNOW what im talkin about.
Not necessarily. However, if you are concerned, you should see a health professional.
No, but if you have loss of appitite and a longer period with itchy breasts go talk to your docter you may infact be pregnant. NOTE:do NOT take in home prgnancy tests their not accurate.
you have a cold
Not exactly
Research Psoriasis
my belly feels itchy i have a tingling feeling in my stomach does this mean i am pregnant?
do you mean "How do you Grow Breasts?" if you do then you have to wait till puberty
First do you mean, What makes the person itchy when a jellyfish stings you?. Well what i think is that the venom in it.