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It's genetic and based on hormone production. If you have small boobs then it's because one of your family members had small boobs. And if you don't like small boobs there is always implants.

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Q: How do girls get big breasts?
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What girls breasts are big?

Not all girls have big breasts. Well girls bodys difer then boys do. its just like extra skin....

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how can girls get big breast

Does harry styles like girls with big breasts or small breasts?

He likes curvy women

Will girls with small breasts get big breasts when they are older?

Honey, they'll get bigger in time trust me!

Do boy like girls with big breasts?

Attraction is subjective and varies from person to person. Some boys may find big breasts appealing, while others may not prioritize physical attributes in attraction. It's important to remember that genuine connections are based on more than just physical appearance.

Why are girls so big boobed?

When girls become mothers they use their breasts to produce milk for their babies. The material in their breasts turns into milk.

When a man press a women breasts then it grows?

I love girls boobs too much. I want to kiss them and rub these boobs. No boobs didn't grows

What makes a girl have big breasts?

there are many ways of what makes some girls have big breasts, it depends on the amount of hormones in your body, genes you inherited from your mother and some girls just get lucky.

Why do guys only like girls with big breasts?

that's not true

How big can a females breasts get?

dipends every girls boobs are diferent.

If a girls mom has big breasts is it bound that she will have big breasts to?

not necessarily. it's all about genetics. she may, or she may not. you'd need a karyotype to be certain. If the mom is homozygous dominant for large breasts, the daughter will definitely have big breasts. barring a mutation -Akilae

Does Justin bieber like girls with big breasts?

it really doesn't mater