the said original purpose of a guy blowing smoke in a womens face, was to mean " youre mine" or you belong to me. yes, it could mean for bothe sexual, emotional, and marital purposes
it means to get a type of weed and to smoke them in there face . like smoke in front of someone face and they get high . smoke someone out, is to just be the one supplying the product....I dont have any weed, you do, so hey man, smoke me out!
If you are a guy... means she wants to do dirty things with you. If you are a girl... its rude. She's saying f you basically.
its still smoke.......wat do u mean
What gray smoke means: Gray smoke is caused by brake fluid. It generally means that your brake master cylinder is bad, and is getting sucked through the vacuum brake hose.
If it blows blue smoke when starting up, that is usually the valve guides need replacing. If it constantly blows blue smoke, you are looking at piston rings. Either way oil is getting into the combustion chamber. If it's valve guides, you need to have the heads looked at, if it is rings, the bottom of the engine needs to come out.
To get someone high then kiss them EVERYwhere
The piston rings in the motor are bad. Very expensive fix.
It doesn't "mean" anything.
Well kind sir, let me tell you. When someone calls you a smoke it means that you are a Nikki. If you do not know what a Nikki is, well, it is someone who thinks they are cool but truthfully, they are not at all. I
smoke a bunch of meth
It is a childish insult, saying that your face looks like someone's buttocks.