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that must mean it was delicous

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10mo ago

Licking his lips after a kiss could suggest that he enjoyed the kiss and is savoring the moment. It could also be a subconscious gesture to hydrate his lips or a sign of nervousness or anticipation.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy licks his lips after a kiss?
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What does it mean when a guy says you have soft lips?

it means he enjoys kissing you and is sorta a hint for you to kiss him

A guy's lips tremble what does it mean?

it could mean many things or it could've just trembled but usually a kiss

How should you kiss a guy?

with your lips. snog him

If a boy keeps on staring at your lips how is he going to kiss you?

Chances are that if he feels your hair on your lips then he will be grossed out by the hair. However there are ways to solve that,Wax your upper lip, you can find waxing kits at walmart for very cheap!

What does a kiss o the lips mean?

It means that your in love! But if you get a kiss from some guy in your class, and it's means they are crazy about you or they have real feelings for you.

What does a forehead kiss mean and why would a guy kiss you on the forehead more than on the lips?

Pure love and nothing else... She's angel.

What does it mean when a guy kisses your forehead your cheek and your nose but not your lips yet?

they either are not ready or they are waiting for you to kiss them

How do you know how a guy feels about you if he kisses every part of your body but your lips?

He likes you. Just because HE doesn't kiss you on the lips doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Maybe you should kiss HIM on the lips. Don't leave it all up to him.

What does it mean when a boy stares at a girls butt and then stare at her lips?

As a guy, i admit i do this. When a guy stares at a girls butt, it means he is attracted to you. When he stares at your lips, he is hinting that he wants to kiss. I don't know if you are in a relationship with this guy, but if you are, take the risk when he stares at your lips and kiss him! Guys make the first move a lot, but they love it when the girl does!

Where can a girl kiss a guy?

cheek, lips, forehead

Can you get pregnant when a guy kiss you in your lips and touching the breast?


If a girl is ready to kiss her lover's lips and she's not ready to kiss him deeply what does it mean?

It means that she is truly not ready to kiss. Show her that you are the sweet guy that is willing to wait for her to be ready and support her decisions