Licking his lips after a kiss could suggest that he enjoyed the kiss and is savoring the moment. It could also be a subconscious gesture to hydrate his lips or a sign of nervousness or anticipation.
Yes, "oreja" is the Spanish word for ear.
"El oído" translates to "the ear" in English.
It means the ear.
une oreille (fem.) means an ear in French.
a wet willie is when someone licks there finger and outs it in someones ear
that means that he is getting to know you and he is starting to like you.
Salt licks are a block made of salt usually used for horses and livestock.
There are two way to go about this: First one is the dude has metal issues and is messed up, or the guy likes you and this is his way of getting your attention.
It's the right ear
If it licks you it likes you.
It means he's really weird. Avoid these types of men.
If a guy gets his right ear pierced it means he is somewhat gay. If both ears happen to be pierced then he is also gay. So be sure when a guy gets his ear pierced that he gets his left pierced.
if i am right it is when a guy kissies and licks a girls neck
no you cannot but if he bites you then yes
None these days
It means he's a guy who likes to wear an earring. A lot of guys get their left earlobes pierced; in some places it's about as common for a guy to have his left ear pierced as for girls to have their ears pierced--and most girls have pierced ears.