Bloodline tattoo is where they tattoo you with no ink, only water so it leaves a red line of blood on your skin. This mark will only last a few weeks then it will heal away. It is done to make a temporary out line.
Most Hawaiian tattoos are called Maori, or Polynesian tattooing. It is a form of tattooing that was made famous by the Hawaiian tribes and is considered to be part of their culture.
No. There is no special method of tattooing to indicate sexual orientation.
The dragon tattoo means you were old enogh to get it but not old enough to understand the true meaning. The dragon itself is a free and fearless being. So the tattooing of it repercents your self of being free and fearless with life choices.
Tattooing out of a nonlicensed, nonsterile environment is unsafe and disgusting. Whoever wrote that above me is stupid it isn't disgusting and just because its out of home doesnt mean that its not sanitary or unsafe! My brother and I tattoo out of my house and it is VERY sanitary and no it is not legal to tattoo without charging
Are u talking about the Aztec Peacock tattoo? because not only Sureno gang members wear this tattoo there are some Hispanics with no gang affiliation at all who I've seen with this tattoo....
This is the symbol for anarchy. If the person with an anarchy tattoo paid for it with national currency and had it done in a shop run by bureaucratically organized staff who are certified to tattoo by the state they're tattooing in... then that person is an idiot. Anarchy is the lack of order and authority in a society. It is usually only a temporary state of affairs and is usually followed by the takeover of the country by a dictator.
When all your 3 Bloodline you have should have a Sulbound V+ (I mean Bloodlines you Activate)
Most, if not all, tattoo parlours will tattoo Chinese symbology on your body - given that you are certain what the symbols mean! You will have to do your research, as you cannot rely on your tattoo artist to understand the symbol they are tattooing. Similarly, if being tattooed when abroad, check that the shop is registered, and that you are clear on the translation of what you are having forever etched into your skin. There have been horrific cases where people think they are having tattoos with words such as 'Love' in Chinese symbols, only to be told later that their tattoo actually says 'Soup'!
a pink diamond tattoo mean love.
what dose star tattoo mean on shoulders
first of all, "new tribal band"? stars were a mainstay in tattooing long before the typical tribal arm band. and they don't "mean" anything. tattoos mean different things to different people. stop looking for a set standard of meaning in all tattoos/tattoo designs. many tattoos are simply whimsical and fun or aesthetically pleasing. they don't all mean things.