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Are u talking about the Aztec Peacock tattoo? because not only Sureno gang members wear this tattoo there are some Hispanics with no gang affiliation at all who I've seen with this tattoo....

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Q: What does a peacock tattoo mean to a Sureno gang member?
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What does a peacock gang tattoo mean?


Is a peacock tattoo gang related?

Yes it is... A peacock with the number of feathers that correspond to a gang number. Like 13 feathers for a Hispanic gang or anything of the sort.

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If a gang member has a tattoo on his face, this is significant to himself. If it is the number 157, this might be the number of gang members in his gang.

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This type of tattoo is usually affiliated with gang members. A tear may mean that someone in their gang or close to them died or it may mean that they killed a member of another gang.

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You can be a sureno regardless of race as long as you prove that you are down for the gang..somebody who doesnt know that shouldn't even worry about it.

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Jimmy capolla was stapped to death by a sureno (mexican gang) in folsom state prison order from a mexican mafia member

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Sureno 13 is the most dangerous gang in Denver.

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No he's not a Sureno, he's not in a gang at all!.

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Brown Pride gang is a Hispanic gang that was started in Los Angeles, Cali. They wear the colors brown & tan, they are NOT Sureno's, neither are they Norteno's, they are an independent Hispanic street gang who are rivals to both Sureno's & Norteno's.

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The Eighteen Street gang is a Sureno gang, under the Mexican Mafia(just like all Sureno gangs), therefore they wear the color blue. SIDE NOTES: 18 Street Gang has ALWAYS been a Sureno's gang. People often think that 18 Street is their own gang, which they're NOT.