Force Quit closes an application. This is used when an application is not responding to normal commands.
It has a music app it has a camera app a app to play your game a pictochat app a download play app a settings app and a shop app( you can by more apps at this shop)
It means "quit following me."
if you mean instal app not from app store for free then you need jailbroken iphone/ipod. then goto cydia instal instalous 4 and you could download any free app in app store but some of app in app store not gonna have in instalous 4, but it 97% app is that instalous 4 have from app store. thx for reading
If you can't pay for the app, you can't buy it.
First you must get an app. While the app is installing, you type in the name of the app that you want, then click install app. The app will start installing without the password. This method may not work if you have to pay the app.
While in the app, press the Blackberry menu button and choose quit or close.
No, its your job if you want to quit then quit but no-one can force you.
There are two ways: 1. You go to the Apple menu (little apple in upper left corner) and select "Force Quit" then choose the applications you want to force quit in the "Force Quit Applications" window. Press Return, Press "Force Quit." 2. Press "Option+Command+Esc" to open the "Force Quit Applications" widow. Select the application you want to quit. Press Return, Press "Force Quit." If you mean "Forced Shutdown" of the computer, press the power button for 5 seconds.
nitTWITS - 2011 Force Quit 1-5 was released on: USA: 8 October 2011
On a mac go to the blue apple and click. Force quit the operating system, not finder. In my case I use Firefox. Then go to the dock and click the system back on.
Call apple or buy a new one.
Open applications. Go to utilities. Open activity monitor. Scroll down until you see finder. highlight it and click the quit button in the upper left hand corner. click on quit. if you quit all other applications, finder will start up again.You can hold down the Shift key while selecting the Apple menu icon (top left corner) which will change the Force Quit... option to Force Quit Application's name. Ensure you are using the Finder's menu bar to Force Quit it.
He has to want to quit. You cannot force a person to quit a tobacco product and expect good results.
In order to quit Canoodle on Facebook, you have to remove it from your apps. To do this, go to Your Apps page. Scroll until you see the Canoodle app and then click on the X next to it. That will delete it for you.
Press "Command+Q" to quit applications. You can also use the menu under "Photo Booth"=>Quit Photo Booth" As a last resort you can Force Quit by pressing "Option+Command+ESC" and select and verify what you want to quit.