It has a music app it has a camera app a app to play your game a pictochat app a download play app a settings app and a shop app( you can by more apps at this shop)
You can download games/apps for the DSi via the DSi Shop.
You can download games/apps via the DSi Shop.
you go to options and go to delete
Go to Nintendo shop You can only go to the shop if you have wi-fi
How about you don't, and just buy games legally, instead? :)- no, I want the HOMEBREW games and apps
You can download games/apps for the DSi via the DSi Shop.
You can download games/apps for the DSi via the DSi Shop.
Yes download apps to your PC and then save it to a SD card and put it in a DSi
the dsi shop its a box on the main menu
You can download games/apps via the DSi Shop.
There is no limit for how many apps you can have. That said, memory space will limit the number of apps you can have on the NDSi.
no you cant
you go to options and go to delete
no but you get points when you buy and download something off the dsi shop
weird.. I have both! I would say dsi.. the itouch is only good for apps and crud..
There is some free software on the DSI store, they are marked as costing 0 points, so are free.
the action replay dsi has a micro SD card slot so you can put homebrew games/apps on it.