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it means that you had sex to early..and that you probably werent healed may have also caused yourself to rip down in that area..the best thing you can do is talk to your doctor...=)

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Q: What does brown bleeding means six weeks after having a baby and having sexaully intercourse?
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Does bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy mean you are having a miscarriage?

I was bleeding red blood but then brown blood does that mean I'm having a miscarriage? Ans: Not necessarily, you didn't say how far along you were, but it could be implantation bleeding, irritated cervix (from intercourse, exam, etc) or could be old blood which was in place to protect the pregnancy in it's earliest stages, but the growing uterus expelled it. If you are still worried, go see your doc.

You are having light bleeding and brown discharge after a week of unprotected sex are you pregenant?

Lucky for you, no.

Causes of bleeding when 4 weeks pregnant?

All depends on what bleeding you are having, I't might be implantation bleeding if it is little, pinkinsh or brown. If there is a lot of blood and you have pain you might be having a miscarraige. Contact you care giver for advise.

Is it implantation bleeding if you have been spotting light pink for four days and this morning it was light brown and light pink but your period is not due for five days?

Not necessarily no but implantation bleeding can appear as the bleeding you've described. Implantation bleeding will occur 6-12 days after intercourse. If you suspect pregnancy, see your doctor for a pregnancy blood test.

Could you be having implantation bleeding if you have slight cramping pain and light brown and pink bleeding for about 3 days?

Hi, The bleeding you experienced was too long for implantation bleeding. It sounds like a period. See your doctor incase you have a infection.

For what reason can you get old brown bleeding?

what is the reason for getting old brown bleeding is this something serious or what because i am very worried i didn't get brown bleeding before and now the doctors says it could be old brown bleeding what is the cause of this why did this happen.

Why am i having a heavy irregular period with blood clots started with brown spotting?

why am i bleeding heavy and having blood clots ? i even bleed thourgh my tapons

Was it implantation bleeding or period if you bled shorter and lighter two days before period is actually due ovulating eleven days and having intercourse seventeen days prior?

It is more likely to be implantation bleeding if you experienced shorter and lighter bleeding two days before your period was due, along with ovulating around 11 days prior and having intercourse 17 days before. Implantation bleeding can occur when a fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining, typically around 6-12 days after ovulation. If you suspect pregnancy, consider taking a pregnancy test to confirm.

I Had Unprotected Sex 2 Days Later Im Having Heavy Bleeding Cramps ANd Brown Discharge?

this is relevent to the question: how old are you?

Positive pregnancy test earlier today but now having cramps and a bit of bleeding?

It is common to have light bleeding and cramps in the early stages of pregnancy. The blood is usually a dark almost brown. But not always.

You are 15 weeks along am cramping and bleeding have had a brown muck-is looking clots come out am I having a miss carriag?

Unfortunately, that sounds like you are...

If you are discharging a brown-mucus type bleeding can it be implantation bleeding?

Doesn't have to.