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I was bleeding red blood but then brown blood does that mean I'm having a miscarriage?

Ans: Not necessarily, you didn't say how far along you were, but it could be implantation bleeding, irritated cervix (from intercourse, exam, etc) or could be old blood which was in place to protect the pregnancy in it's earliest stages, but the growing uterus expelled it. If you are still worried, go see your doc.

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Q: Does bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy mean you are having a miscarriage?
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No, when having a miscarriage in the first trimester it's usually because the fetus would not make it through the pregnancy. It can be deformed for instance. Mother Nature takes care of it so to speak.

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Hcg is the level of a pregnancy hormone that increases throughout the pregnancy. An Hcg level of 229 means that a woman is in the very early stages of pregnancy, or is having a miscarriage.

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Positive pregnancy test earlier today but now having cramps and a bit of bleeding?

It is common to have light bleeding and cramps in the early stages of pregnancy. The blood is usually a dark almost brown. But not always.

Can a hit to the stomach cause a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy?

if you did well than yes

Can coughing non stop in early stages of pregnancy cause a miscarriage?

No but you should get help for it. you can't sleep very well with that.

I have taken 2 positive pregnancy tests but am lightly bleeding is this normal?

Yes. Light bleeding is normal. When the embryo embeds itself into your uterine wall it may cause spotty or light bleeding. 90% of women have this happen in the beginning stages of pregnancy.

How long after you miscarriage can you try again on another baby?

If your miscarriage took place in last stages of pregnancy, or if in your miscarriage any kind of surgery was done, you should wait more than six months to try again so that your body comes back to normal position and you also mentally prepare yourself to try for another baby. But if miscarriage occurs in early stages of pregnancy, like within three months, and your bleeding stopped within 10 or some more days, then you can try immediately after miscarriage and there is no need to wait long. Recent studies show that if a woman get pregnant again after a miscarriage within six months, her chances of a healthy pregnancy are far more than those who get pregnant after six months. However you should wait for a normal period after miscarriage and when a normal period comes, you can try to get pregnant again after this period. This is because if you get pregnant immediately after miscarriage and do not wait for a normal period, you will have no exact date of start of your pregnancy as well as LMP. So it is advised to wait for a normal period. My advise is also that you try again after a normal period after the miscarriage, and try immediately after that period and do not wait any more. There is no need at all to wait for more than one normal period. Hope this is the answer to your question.

Whitney Houston was she pregnant when she did the movie the bodyguard?

Actually, she may have been in the initial stages of pregnancy, but it was only announced afterwards; and during the media tour for the film, she suffered a miscarriage.

What causes decidual bleeding during pregnancy?

Decidual BleedingOne of the most common causes of period-like bleeding during pregnancy is called decidual bleeding. Sometimes, during pregnancy, your body's hormones can get out of whack, causing you to lose parts of the lining of your uterus. This is especially common in the early stages of pregnancy, before the lining has completely attached to the placenta. While it can be troublesome to think about shedding part if your uterine lining, decidual bleeding is generally not thought to be a health threat to you or your baby. There are a number of other reasons why bleeding during pregnancy may occur. Most of them present little health risk to you and your little one. However, bleeding can sometimes indicate a complication with your pregnancy. If you are pregnant, it is important to be aware of your bleeding. If you experience any abnormal bleeding at any point during your pregnancy, contact your health care provider immediately.

If you bleed for 2 weeks stop and it comes back for 2 days am i pregnant?

Not likely. Some women bleed during the early stages of pregnancy without harm to the fetus, but usually bleeding is an indication that you aren't pregnant, or that if you were pregnant you may be having a miscarriage. In addition, there are many reasons why a girl or woman might have irregular bleeding patterns. Some variation in bleeding pattern is usual during the first couple of years of menstruation. Stress, illness, some medications, and various uterine conditions can also cause irregular bleeding. So can an incomplete miscarriage, in which part of the fetal remains stay in the uterus. The best thing to do to check on the cause of irregular bleeding is talk to your doctor. If you don't have a regular doctor or gynecologist, a Planned Parenthood clinic might be able to help. Some Planned Parenthood clinics have nurses or nurse practitioners that can do pelvic exams, and they might be able to tell you what is wrong.

How would you know if you lost your baby?

You would have reasonably heavy bleeding that is generally quite painful (if you are in the earlier stages of pregnancy) In the later stages of pregnancy, once you are regularly feeling your baby move, if you have not felt your baby move in 12 hours, you should go to the hospital, however it does not neccessarily mean that you have lost your baby