a faint negative usually means you're not pregnant, but it depends on the test. You'd have to read the full instructions to be sure.
If it is a faint pink line then it means you are pregnant. If it is a faint grey line then it is what is called an evaporation line and you are not pregnant. If you are unsure wait a couple of days and take another test. You might also try a digital test. There is no mistaking that one!
It either means you're not pregnant or not far enough along to detect the pregnancy hormone. A blood test is most accurate.
No. Home pregnancy tests are not 100 percent accurate and reliable. Also you may have taken the test to early and should try again in a few days.
If acceleration is negative the graph looks like a upside U and decreases in value as time continues If acceleration is constant the graph is a straight line (linear) at 0 or whatever the velocity is
if you mean only one line showed up in the control window it means you are not pregnant or you have tested to early if absolutely noting at all shows up it means the test was faulty and you need to retest using a new test
My positive line on my test was very faint. You probably are pregnant. You might consider retesting.
If you see a faint pink line that came up within the time frame for the test than it is not a negative test.
If the negative line is faint it could mean that ur pregnant and its just too early to tell or it could mean that it was just that test. Either way i would retest in at least a day or two.
The same thing happened to me.
How can it be negative if there was a faint line. my period was a day late with a very faint line and im definitely pregnant u have very low HCG in ur urine at the time ur period is due if u are pregnant that's y the line is faint. Congradulations
It means your pregnant
your pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one line only is negative.. 2 is positive (doesn't matter if lines are faint)
Beta hcg level is 5.3 what does mean?"
It depends on the pregnancy test, but usually it means a positive results. Congrats!
im not sure. i just bought one too and got the same thing!! someone help!!
That you need to repeat the test to find something out.