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if you mean only one line showed up in the control window it means you are not pregnant or you have tested to early

if absolutely noting at all shows up it means the test was faulty and you need to retest using a new test

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Q: What does it mean when nothing shows up on a pregnancy test?
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What does it indicate when a pregnancy test shows a C line?

When a pregnancy test shows a C line, it indicates that the test is working correctly. The C line is a control line that shows the test is valid, regardless of whether a second line appears indicating pregnancy.

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it means your not pregers xD

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It can mean a lot of things, but keep this in mind - pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate - there is actually a fairly large margin of error on them.

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It depends on what that pregnancy test uses to indicate pregnancy. Read the directions carefully to see what they use to indicate a positive or negative pregnancy test.

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No, folic acid is a vitamin, nothing to do with a pregnancy test.

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The "C" symbol on a pregnancy test indicates the control line, which shows that the test is working correctly.

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You have to read the box or instructions inside the box. Every test is different and shows results in different ways.

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Its probably time to go get a blood test at the doctor to be on the safe side thats wat I learned

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"Have you done a pregnancy test, and if yes, did you use a test that shows a C or T result?"

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If the pregnancy test was negative, it means that you are not pregnant.