Crawling Panther Tattoo - One of the most enduring and powerful tattoo symbols of the 20th century has a history which few tattoo devotees might suspect. The
A panther paw print can mean that a person can have a mean streak. This type of tattoo can also mean that a person as a love for panthers.
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Well it can mean that your in love with demons
According to the Chinese zodiac, a black dragon would mean bad luck. Acorrdingly to Chinese history, a myth was sent that the color black WA unlyck and who ever touched it died.
A black panther tattoo with a snack means fierce conflict and loyalty. It also symbolizes a person's strength and power.
if u mean black haired it could be nikita Denise
A panther paw print can mean that a person can have a mean streak. This type of tattoo can also mean that a person as a love for panthers.
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It all depends. If it was a classic black panther tattoo where it is clawing up or down your arm, then it means nothing. If it was just the head of a black panther or a fairly cartoonish looking panther lunging at you with claws, then it very well may have been the symbol for the Black Panther Party. They organised and were created in 1966, so if it was before then, probably not. They did have a number of white people as well as others who were sympathetic to their plight and supported them, so the color of the person wearing it is fairly irrelevant.
Tony Soprano has a panther tattoo on his right shoulder.
it means a black american is going to kill you
to me it seems like strength and frearless but that may not be the answer also it can just be for looks.
becease it is black
Black Panther temrature
Bagheera does mean black tiger, but the Indians thought it looked like a black tiger, apparently, because he's a black panther.
Black Panther Cubs. They are cute. :)