Cross tattoos are one of the most popular tattoo types, and designs can be found from many different sources. Specialist tattoo magazines contain many design ideas, along with dedicated tattoo design websites such as tattoojohnny or tattoofinder. Cross tattoo designs may also be seen in tattoo parlours.
A cross
Not completely. You may still see the black ink through the navy blue, coloured inks are opaque meaning there is colour but you can still see darker colours throuhg them. The only thing that will cover black ink is black ink. But some times you can get away with hiding it in a cover up. Have a few consultations with a tattooist in your area and see if they can design a cover up tattoo for you.
black and white because the color is darker on your skin.
Crucified by society (smaller version of the skinhead on the cross tattoo), Jailhouse tattoo, Homemade tattoo - are normally the meaning it.
A heart and a cross
Arron Neville has a cross on his face.
The meaning of a black widow spider tattoo can vary and be different for each person. A common meaning of spider tattoos refers to struggles of life but can also represent protection.
There many meanings that may be derived from a black rose tattoo. This is commonly associated with death, darkness, farewell and so on.
is it the boondock saints cross?that is an older version of the more plain current cross, which is featured plain or with christ on it
It would depend on the size of tattoo you want and where it is placed. ALSO, if you want black/gray ink or color.
Absolutely any tattoo artist can do a tattoo of a cross. To get an idea of what one might like their cross tattoo to look like they can look up samples from many sites online or look at the tattoo artists work.
Black Hand Tattoo's usually mean you are involved with criminals or an organization, the Black Hand means that you are strongarming someone or extorting money from them and if they dont cooperate they will be a victim and could possibly lose their life. BLACK HAND
faith, hope, and love or Faith, hope, and charity depends on which version of the bible