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Cross tattoos are one of the most popular tattoo types, and designs can be found from many different sources. Specialist tattoo magazines contain many design ideas, along with dedicated tattoo design websites such as tattoojohnny or tattoofinder. Cross tattoo designs may also be seen in tattoo parlours.

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Q: Where can one find designs for cross tattoos?
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If someone is looking for tribal design tattoos, they may choose to go to their local tattoo artist and see any designs they may have to browse through. If someone cannot find them there, they may also look on artists' websites.

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You can view some different types of Dragon Tattoos online at the TattooJohnny Website. If you find any designs that you like, you can purchase them from the site.

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There are a multitude of websites which carry different designs for flower tattoos. These include "Searchbodyart", "Tattoo-how" and "Freetattoodesigns".

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Once can find lots of examples of flower tattoos. One can look up a tattoo design book at their local tattoo place or a book store, or look up designs on sites such as Tattoo Finder.

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Butterfly tattoo designs can be found simply online by finding various images, or at a local tattoo parlor. If one is searching for butterfly tattoo designs, they may set up a simple consultation with local tattoo artists.

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Do your research and find a tattoo artist whose work you like. Ask that artist for some designs and come up with something together. Or, search art sites like Deviantart and commission an artist there for a design.

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On one sleeve is nightmare before Christmas and the other is misc. designs.

Where can one find good examples of heart tattoos?

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